Abolishment of gender discrimination for retirement
Period |
- 1982~ 1989, 1992
- Participate the committee for abolishment of retirement age discrimination for women
Background |
1) Younghee Kim worked as telecommunicator in Korea Telecom was fired due to retirement age change from 55 to 43.
2) In 1992, she got fired again due to company regulation change for retirement age to 53.
Process |
1) Raised the lawsuit to nullify retirement age regulation toward company
- Supported by various women associations
2) Applied cancellation of unfair dismissal toward Seoul labour office
- The case was dismissed by the company since it is not the gender discrimination but differentiation upon job specification.
- She didn’t accept and kept to appeal
Result |
1) Returned to work after winning at the final court at 1989, six years passed from the beginning
2) To change the retirement age from 58 to 53 due to its women exclusive job category is
definitely gender discrimination and Labour organization ordered the worker’s return.
Effect |
The resolution of Labour organization affected all other retirement age setting and became
corner stone of gender equality.