
BPW International

Korea Federation of Business & Professional Women

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Mentoring Program

The International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW International) develops the professional, leadership and business potential of women on all levels through advocacy, mentoring, networking, skill building and economic empowerment programs and projects around the world.

Why mentoring for BPW
Mentoring is one of the tools to realise the aims and objectives of BPW. Our members are from all professions, they have an immense source of knowledge and experience that can be shared. Mentoring between members is a superb means to empower women and to strengthen club life.

BPW sees mentoring as a learning process between two individuals. It offers support to develop a program for mentoring between two people: a mentor and a mentee (called tandem mentoring: two people riding a bike to reach together a goal they agreed on).

Our aim
Every club takes part in the Mentoring Program
Every club or every federation has a person in charge of the Mentoring Program

Why mentoring is important for the clubs
Your members learn in a focused way to fill specific gaps in their professional development
Your club will be more attractive to young women who can profit from the mentoring program
The growth of clubs contributes to society by developing the professional and leadership potential of women.
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